7.14 and 7.15
7.14 Daily Video on AP Classroom Period 7: 1890-1945, Topic 14- Post-War Diplomacy (January 13) Student Learning Objective - Explain the consequences of US involvement in WWII. “The Communists are in China to stay. And China’s destiny is not [Chinese nationalist leader Jiang Jieshi’s] but theirs. In this unhappy dilemma, the United States should attempt to prevent the disaster of a civil war through adjustment of the new alignment of power in China by peaceful process. The desirable means to this end is to encourage the reform and revitalization of the Kuomintang [Nationalist Party of China] so that it may survive as a significant force in a coalition government [with the Chinese Communist Party]. If this fails, we must limit our involvement with the Kuomintang and must commence some cooperation with the Communists, the force destined to control China, in an effort to influence them further into an independent position friendly to the United States. We are working against time because,...