Tuesday, January 7 7.12 Daily Video #1 on AP Classroom 7.12 Daily Video #2 on AP Classroom Period 7: 1890-1945, Topic 12- WWII: Mobilization Student Learning Objective - Explain how and why US participation in WWII transformed American society. Causes of WWII What were the causes of WWII? Pearl Harbor Attack What caused the Pearl Harbor attack? What was the goal of the Pearl Harbor attack? What was the effect of the Pearl Harbor attack? 1939 military sizes How does the US compare in military size in 1939 when WWII was declared? After isolationism and non-intervention failed, what does the US need to do? Election of 1940- FDR elected for a 3rd time! (Election of 1944- FDR Elected a 4th time) Wednesday, January 8 1. Students read the Gates source and prepare for discussion “Since the 1890s, despite the abolition of slavery and the three Reconstruction amendments to the Constitution, Jim Crow segregation pervaded every aspect of American society. The military was no exception. Following t...