
Showing posts from March, 2025

Nixon Resignation and Ford Pardoning or Nixon Essay (due 3/10)

Directions: Step 1- The class will read the Nixon Resignation Speech while listening to Richard Nixon's delivery of it 3/3 and answer the discussion questions Step 2-  The class will read the  Ford Pardoning Proclamation  while listening to Gerald Ford's delivery of it 3/3 and answer the discussion questions 3/4 Step 3- The class reviews the prompt together 3/4 Step 4- Develop a thesis .  Decide if Ford was justified to pardon Nixon or not? Turn in 3/4 Step 5-  Create a preliminary works cited , which will eventually be after your essay.  Use citation machine, easy bib, the Purdue Owl, mybib, or whatever you like to use.  Make sure it is in MLA format.  Nixon Resignation Speech, Ford Pardoning Speech and a source of your choice are required.  Demonstration 3/5 and due 3/5 Step 6- Write the introduction with the thesis at the end.  3/5 or 3/6 Step 7- How would you support your thesis using the Nixon source? How do you cite it in text or p...

3/3- Nixon Resignation Speech and Ford Pardoning Proclamation

Nixon Resignation Speech Text Nixon Resignation Speech Video Discussion Question #1- What is the Historical Situation at this time? Discussion Question #2- What is President Nixon's point of view? Discussion Question #3- What is his intended audience? Discussion Question #4- What is the purpose of this speech? Maybe this will help-  Nixon leaving resignation Discussion Question #5- Based on this, is Nixon's pardon justified? Ford pardoning of Nixon text Ford Pardoning Proclamation Video Discussion Question #5- What historical development is occurring because of Ford's actions? Discussion Question #6- What is the supporting evidence Ford uses for his action? Discussion Question #7- Is this justified?  Why or why not? Discussion Question #8- What cultural trends do the JFK assassination, the war in Vietnam and Watergate cause in America?