
**Addition on the League of Nations from 12/4

7.6 Daily Video #1 on AP Classroom

Fear of immigrants from Triple Alliance/Central Powers

Fear of communism/Bolshevism

Anti-German sentiment leading to Prohibition

Espionage Act (1917)

Schenck vs. US

Immigration Act of 1917

Sedition Act (1918)

Quota systems of 1920's

Bernard Baruch- War Industries Board

George Creel- Committee on Public Information

Herbert Hoover- Food Administration

7.6 Daily Video #2 on AP Classroom

What were the pull factors regarding migration during WWI?

What were the push factors regarding migration during WWI?

What was the Great Migration?

What were the effects of the Great Migration?

Period 7: 1890-1945, Topic 6- WWI: The Home Front

Student Learning Objective- Explain the causes and effects of international and internal migration patterns over time.

“We realize that certain bodies of men, who do not believe in the basic principles of our Republic, having taken advantage of American hospitality to secure residence within our territory, have brought into organization a large number of committees and associations whose avowed purpose it is to destroy our Government (using force if necessary) and to place the country under the domination of some such self-constituted commission of Socialists or Bolshevists as has brought anarchy and misery upon Russia.

“To nullify the pernicious influence of these enemies of the Republic, we, the undersigned, herewith declare and take oath that we hold ourselves ready to answer any call to defend our country against any and all attempts to change our Government by usurpation or by force. We seek for this pledge the widest publicity and urge all citizens, irrespective of sex, age, creed, or race, who believe as we do in the importance of maintaining American principles, to join us in this pledge.

“We further declare our purpose to do our utmost to secure for those who come to our country from foreign lands a clearer and nobler sense of citizenship than they have heretofore realized; and to develop these new residents into understanding American citizens, to emphasize to them the value of the great privilege that is within their reach of securing American citizenship, and to secure their co-operation in combating the pernicious propaganda which aims to undermine the Government.”

“Petition of the National Security League,” 1923

Discussion Question #1- What movement, which is not new to America at this time, is the excerpt part of?

Discussion Question #2- How do immigration levels at this time compare with previous periods of American history?

Discussion Question #3- What was a result of these nativist movements?

Discussion Question #4- What types of radicals were nativists like this afraid of?

Discussion Question #5- What effect did it have on people's freedom of speech?

Discussion Question #6- The nativist source completely ignores increased immigration playing a role in what American transformation?

"Return to Normalcy"

Return to Normalcy excerpt

Discussion Question #7- What is the point of view?

Discussion Question #8- What is the audience?

Discussion Question #9- What is the purpose?

Discussion Question #10- What is the historical situation?

"The Case Against the Reds"

Discussion Question #11- What is the historical situation?

Sacco and Vanzetti


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