12/11 and 7.8 continued

7.8 Daily Video #1 on AP Classroom shared with students for future studying purposes

7.8 Daily Video #2 on AP Classroom shared with students for future studying purposes

60 second presidents- Harding

1. What happened to give the Harding Presidency a bad reputation?

2. How did the Harding Presidency end?

60 second presidents- Coolidge

1. How did "Silent Cal" become President?

2. How do you evaluate his radio addresses (especially knowing about his personality now)?

3. What did he do consistently with the Harding Presidency?

4. What is positive about lack of government regulation?

5. What could be negative about that during the 1920's and 1930's?

Period 7: 1890-1945, Topic 8- 1920's: Cultural and Political Controversies

Student learning objective- Identify cultural movements and political controversies of the 1920's.

Historical Developments:


-Red Scare 

-Palmer Raids 

-Teapot Dome Scandal

-Harlem Renaissance

-Boston Molasses Flood

-Boston Police Strike

  • Summarize the Boston Police Strike
  • Evaluate!  Take the side of the Police or of the Governor of MA!

Click on the link.  Skim the document in order to answer the following questions.  Keep in mind, Sacco and Vanzetti were WWI draft dodgers who were known anarchists.  They were found guilty of a double homicide and burglary in South Braintree, MA upon weak evidence.

Last words of Bartolomeo Vanzetti

Discussion Question #5- Vanzetti was executed.  What was his plea?

Discussion Question #6- What historical development was he part of?

“A few years ago, in the late 1920’s, Alain Leroy Locke, a professor at Howard University . . . came to Harlem to gather material for the now famous Harlem Number of the Survey Graphic [magazine] and was hailed as the discoverer of artistic Harlem.

“The Whites who read that issue of the Survey Graphic became aware that in Harlem, the largest Negro city in the world, there existed a group interested in the fine arts, creative literature, and classical music. So, well-meaning, vapid [dull] Whites from downtown New York came by bus, subway, or in limousines, to see for themselves these Negroes who wrote poetry and fiction and painted pictures.

“Of course, said these pilgrims, it couldn’t approach the creative results of Whites, but as a novelty, well, it didn’t need standards. The very fact that these Blacks had the temerity to produce so-called Art, and not its quality, made the whole fantastic movement so alluring. . . .

“News that Harlem had become a paradise spread rapidly and from villages and towns all over America . . . there began a [Black] migration of quaint [eccentric] characters, each with a message, who descended upon Harlem, sought out the cafes, lifted teacups with a jutting little finger, and dreamed of sponsors.”

Levi C. Hubert, African American journalist, essay reflecting on life in Harlem in the 1920s, written in 1938

Discussion Question #7- Explain Hubert's main idea in the excerpt.

Discussion Question #8- Based on the excerpt- What is the Harlem Renaissance?

Discussion Question #9- What caused the Harlem Renaissance?

Louis Armstrong- What a Wonderful World


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