1/22/25 and 8.1
8.1 Daily Video on AP Classroom (absent students should watch)
Period 8: 1945-1980, Topic 1- Contextualization
Student learning objective- Students will explain the context for societal change from 1945 to 1980.
Discussion Question #1- What happened before 1945-1980 that you think is important to the time period?
Discussion Question #2- What happened between 1945 and 1980 that you know about?!
Discussion Question #3- What happened after 1945-1980 that you think was caused by our time period?
Discussion Question #4- What would you say continued to be true 1945-1980?
Discussion Question #5- What was a change 1945-1980?
Period 8 KWL:
What do you know about 1945-1980 in American history?
What do you want to know?
What did you learn?
What was the "Cold War"?
Who was involved?
When was it?
Where was it?
Why did it happen?
How did it happen?
Upcoming schedule:
American Pageant Chapter 36 Quiz- Wed 1/29
American Pageant Chapter 37 Quiz- Wed 2/5
Period 8 topics 1-8 Exam (midterm period)- MON 2/10 10:00 AM-11:30 AM
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