1/27 and 8.3

Period 8: 1945-1980, Topic 3- The Red Scare (of the 1950's)

Student Learning Objective- Students will explain the causes and effects of the Red Scare after WWII.

8.3 Daily Video on AP Classroom!

Video discussion question #1- Is Communism a threat?

Video discussion question #2- What rights do Communists have?

Video discussion question #3- Why was McCarthy trying to find Communists in a witch hunt manner (not solid evidence)?

Video discussion question #4-What was McCarthy's downfall?

Video discussion question #5- What is the truth regarding Alger Hiss?

Video discussion question #6- What is the truth regarding Whittaker Chambers?

Video discussion question #7- What is the truth regarding the Rosenbergs?

Video discussion question #8- What was added to the pledge of allegiance during the Eisenhower presidency?

Video discussion question #9- Why?

Video discussion question #10- Evaluate the duck and cover drills during the Cold War?

“Resolved, That the Senator from Wisconsin, Mr. [Joseph] McCarthy . . . repeatedly abused the subcommittee and its members who were trying to carry out assigned duties, thereby obstructing the constitutional processes of the Senate, and that this conduct of the Senator from Wisconsin, Mr. McCarthy, is contrary to senatorial traditions and is hereby condemned.

“Sec 2. The Senator from Wisconsin, Mr. McCarthy . . . in stating to the public press on November 13, 1954, that the chairman of the Select Committee (Mr. Watkins) was guilty of ‘the most unusual, most cowardly things I've ever heard of’ and . . . in characterizing the said committee as the ‘unwitting handmaiden,’ ‘involuntary agent’ and ‘attorneys-in-fact’ of the Communist Party and in charging that the said committee in writing its report ‘imitated Communist methods’ . . . acted contrary to senatorial ethics and tended to bring the Senate into dishonor and disrepute, to obstruct the constitutional processes of the Senate, and to impair its dignity; and such conduct is hereby condemned.”

United States Senate Resolution 301, 1954

Discussion Question #1- Why was Senator Joseph McCarthy on a "witch hunt" for Communists?

Discussion Question #2- How were McCarthy's behavior and tactics different from tradition?

Discussion Question #3- What (historical development) did this cause?

Upcoming schedule:

American Pageant Chapter 36 Quiz- Wed 1/29

American Pageant Chapter 37 Quiz- Wed 2/5

Period 8 topics 1-8 Exam (midterm period)- MON 2/10 10:00 AM-11:30 AM


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