2/18 and 8.9

Period 8: 1945-1980, Topic 9- The Great Society

Student Learning Objective- Explain the causes and effects of continuing policy debates about the role of the federal government over time.

60 Second Presidents LBJ

Where is LBJ from?

Why is that important?

How did LBJ become President in 1963?

How was LBJ's House and Senate background important?

What laws mentioned do you know about?

What undid LBJ's presidency?  Why?

8.9 Daily Video #1 on AP Classroom

Discussion Question #1- How does the War on Poverty connect to today?

Discussion Question #2- How does the Kerner Commission connect to today?

8.9 Daily Video #2 on AP Classroom (Watch on your own sometime to study for Short Answer Questions!)

LBJ campaign ad for 1964 election

Discussion Question #3-Why would LBJ use this as his campaign ad in 1964?

Great Society

History.com Great Society

Discussion Question #4-  What is the Great Society?

Go to page 896

Discussion Question #5- How does the Immigration Act of 1965 compare to previous US immigration policy?

Discussion Question #6- How does the Immigration Act of 1965 compare to treatment of other groups of Americans during the LBJ administration?

Discussion Question #7- Pick a Great Society program and explain the causes and effects of it.

Discussion Question #8- Compare and contrast a Great Society program with something today.

New Deal in CH 34

Compare to New Deal?

Discussion Question #9- Compare and contrast the Great Society program with the New Deal using 3 examples.


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