
Tuesday, January 7

7.12 Daily Video #1 on AP Classroom

7.12 Daily Video #2 on AP Classroom

Period 7: 1890-1945, Topic 12- WWII: Mobilization

Student Learning Objective- Explain how and why US participation in WWII transformed American society.

Causes of WWII

What were the causes of WWII?

Pearl Harbor Attack

What caused the Pearl Harbor attack?

What was the goal of the Pearl Harbor attack?

What was the effect of the Pearl Harbor attack?

1939 military sizes

How does the US compare in military size in 1939 when WWII was declared?

After isolationism and non-intervention failed, what does the US need to do?

Election of 1940- FDR elected for a 3rd time! (Election of 1944- FDR Elected a 4th time)

Wednesday, January 8

1. Students read the Gates source and prepare for discussion

“Since the 1890s, despite the abolition of slavery and the three Reconstruction amendments to the Constitution, Jim Crow segregation pervaded every aspect of American society. The military was no exception. Following the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, black men who volunteered for duty or were drafted were relegated to segregated divisions and combat support roles, such as cook, quartermaster, and grave digger. The military was as segregated as the Deep South.

“It was difficult for African Americans not to see the hypocrisy between conditions at home and the noble war aims that President Franklin Roosevelt articulated in his famous ‘Four Freedoms’ speech on January 6, 1941. And because of the gap between the promise and the performance of American freedom when it came to race relations, many black people frankly felt alienated from the war effort.

“Despite this discrimination, more than 2.5 million African Americans registered for the draft when World War II began; 1 million served. A key voice in the war effort was the Pittsburgh Courier, the nation’s most widely read African-American newspaper. Two months after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Courier launched a national campaign that urged black people to give their all for the war effort, while at the same time calling on the government to do all it could to make the rhetoric of the Declaration of Independence and the equal rights amendments to the Constitution real for every citizen, regardless of race. In honor of the battle against enemies from without and within, they called it the Double V campaign.”

Henry Louis Gates, Jr., historian, “How Was Black Support Enlisted for World War II, When the Armed Services Were Segregated?,” 2017

Discussion Question #1- What is the main idea of the excerpt?

Discussion Question #2- What would be the result historically of the main idea of this excerpt?

Discussion Question #3- What employment opportunities would open up for African Americans during the time of WWII?

Discussion Question #4- What other group is also affected via socio-economic change in status by the WWII industrial effort?

Historical Developments:

-Mass mobilization helped end Great Depression- War Production Board

-Selective Service and the GI Bill of Rights

-Strong industrial base armed allies and equipped US to win war

-Opportunities for women and minorities

-Navajo Code Talkers

-debates over racial segregation- A Philip Randolph and March on Washington D.C.- “Executive Order 8802: Prohibition of Discrimination in the Defense Industry”

-Manhattan Project

-Japanese Internment Camps

-Immigration increased despite discriminatory US policies

Question- Evaluate Japanese internment camps

HW- Friday, January 10- American Pageant Chapter 34 Quiz 


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