2/24 and 8.11
8.11 Daily video #1 on AP Classroom (watch on your own before summative assessments)
8.11 Daily Video #2 on AP Classroom (watch on your own before summative assessments)
Period 8: 1945-1980, Topic 11- The Civil Rights Movement Expands
Student Learning Objective- Explain how and why various groups responded to calls for the expansion of Civil Rights.
“The systematic exclusion of persons of Mexican descent from service as jury commissioners, grand jurors, and petit jurors in the Texas county in which petitioner was indicted and tried for murder, although there were a substantial number of such persons in the county fully qualified to serve, deprived petitioner, a person of Mexican descent, of the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment, and his conviction in a state court is reversed.”
Discussion Question #1- What right did people of Mexican descent NOT have before the 1950's?
Discussion Question #2- What problems will lack of representation/diversity cause?
Discussion Question #3- What effect did the mainstream (African American) Civil Rights movement have on Latinx rights?
Discussion Question #4- How did increased Latinx immigration during Period 8: 1945-1980 effect this movement?
Discussion Question #5- What branch of government intervened to ensure Latinx rights in this case?
Discussion Question #6- How can the other branches of government help?
Discussion Question #7- What strategy did Cesar Chavez use to inspire change?
Discussion Question #8- What types of jobs do many Latinx immigrants work to this day? Why?
Betty-Friedan- "The Feminine Mystique"
Discussion Question #9- What historical development does this mark the beginning of?
Discussion Question #10- What changes have resulted in US culture?
Discussion Question #11- What is the main idea?
Discussion Question #12- What is used as evidence to support the main idea?
Discussion Question #13- What continuity survived in gender roles in US culture?
Discussion Question #14- What is the importance of the title ms.?
Discussion Question #15- What other title or name cultural norms have changed or become more varied?
Discussion Question #16- What other contrasting beliefs regarding the same issue are held in American culture?
Discussion Question #17- What other groups fought for and/or achieved rights in Period 8: 1945-1980?
Discussion Question #18- What impact did it have?
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