7.13 (continued)

Pacific Theater of WWII- Page 811

Coral Sea




Iwo Jima


August 6, 1945- Hiroshima

         What is the argument for this?

        What is the argument against this?

August 9, 1945- Nagasaki

September 2, 1945- VJ Day

Period 7: 1890-1945, Topic 13- WWII: Military (continued)

Student Learning Objective- Evaluate the use of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Students decide- How should the US have forced Japan to surrender in WWII?

1- Invade the islands of Japan to force surrender (deadliest option)

2- Demonstrate the Atomic bomb's power on a remote island in the Pacific to force surrender 

3- Drop the Atomic bomb on Japanese cities to force surrender


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