2/25 and 8.12
8.12 Daily Video on AP Classroom (You can watch this but the rest is more important)
Period 8: 1945-1980, Topic 12- Youth Culture of the 1960's
Student Learning Objective- Explain how and why opposition to existing policies and values developed and changed over the course of the 20th Century.
“I am forty-nine years old. It took me years of considerable anguish to get where I am. . . . I was nurtured in the Depression; I lost four years to war; I have had one coronary; I am a ‘liberal,’ a square and a professor of history.
“As such, I am supposed to have ‘liaison’ with the young. But the fact is that I am fed up with hippies, Yippies, militants and nonsense. . . .
“Every generation makes mistakes, always has and always will. We have made our share. But my generation has made America the most affluent country on earth; it has tackled, head-on, a racial problem which no nation on earth in the history of mankind had dared to do. It has publicly declared war on poverty and it has gone to the moon; it has desegregated schools and abolished polio. . . .
“I assert that we are [in] trouble with this younger generation not because we have failed our country, not because of affluence or stupidity, . . . not because we are middle-class materialists, but simply because we have failed to keep that generation in its place. . . .
“To the extent that we now rely on the police, mace, the National Guard, tear gas, steel fences and a wringing of hands, we will fail. What we need is a reappraisal of our own middle-class selves, our worth and our hard-won progress. We need to use disdain, not mace; we need to reassess a weapon we came by the hard way—firm authority as parents, teachers, businessmen, workers and politicians.”
Discussion question #1- What is the main idea of the excerpt?
Discussion question #2- What causes the liberal and conservative splits?
Discussion question #3- How did the political and cultural gap between the youth and earlier generations compare then as opposed to decades earlier?
Discussion question #4- How would you compare the political and cultural gap between the youth and earlier generations then and now?
Port Huron Statement- Skim
Discussion question #5- What is the point of view? (Do not just share what they believe but identify who "we" is!!!)
Discussion question #6- Who is the intended audience and what purpose does this intend to serve?
Discussion question #7- What are the most popular (college) political groups today?
Nixon 1968 Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech- Read at the Excerpt below most importantly:
"The choice we make in 1968 will determine not only the future of America but the future of peace and freedom in the world for the last third of the Twentieth Century.
And the question that we answer tonight: can America meet this great challenge?
For a few moments, let us look at America, let us listen to America to find the answer to that question.
As we look at America, we see cities enveloped in smoke and flame.
We hear sirens in the night.
We see Americans dying on distant battlefields abroad.
We see Americans hating each other; fighting each other; killing each other at home.
And as we see and hear these things, millions of Americans cry out in anguish.
Did we come all this way for this?
Did American boys die in Normandy, and Korea, and in Valley Forge for this?"
Discussion question #8- What is the context?
Discussion question #9- What caused this?
Discussion question #10- What was an effect of this?
Watch- Jimi Hendrix- National Anthem
Independent work question #11- Who is the intended audience and why is that important?
Independent work question #12- What is the purpose of Jimi Hendrix playing the Star Spangled Banner like that?
Independent work question #13- What is the historical situation at the time?
Independent work question #14- What could Hendrix's point of view be? Why do you think so?
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