2/6 and 8.8 continued

Period 8: 1945-1980, Topic 8- Vietnam War (continued)

Student Learning Objective- Students will explain the effects of the Vietnam War.

For What it's Worth

1. What is the main idea of the song?

2. What are some lyrics used to back the main idea?

3. How do you evaluate the author's perspective?

1968- Tet Offensive (film clip)

1. What is the "turning point" of the Vietnam War?

2. Why is it called the Tet Offensive?

3. How many towns, cities, and US bases were attacked?

4. Ho Chi Minh Trail- Based on the maps shown, what directions did the Communist attacks come from? (Page 921)

5. What did the Communists do which causes much of an outcry against Communism?

6. Based on statistics who won the Tet Offensive?

7. Why did the Tet Offensive turn the public opinion away from supporting the war?

Kent State Massacre Lyrics here

1. Why were people protesting at Kent State University?

2. What happened at Kent State University?

3. Who is right and who is wrong?


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