10/31- More Progressivism Group Work!

Student learning objective- Students will be able to explain the impact of specific progressive movements

Directions: Students will break into groups, explore links and attempt to accomplish the student learning objective before explaining to the whole group.

Group 1- YMCA (Brown, Ciolino, Castellucci)

YMCA founding

YMCA Growth in USA during the Progressive Era


How is the YMCA Progressive?

How has the YMCA changed?

What current impact does the YMCA have on the US and MA specifically?

Group 2- Salvation Army (SY, CF, JP)

History of the Salvation Army

How is the Salvation Army Progressive?

How has the Salvation Army changed?

What resources does the Salvation Army offer locally?

What resources does the Salvation Army offer nationally?

Group 3- Basketball (Harrison, Vidal, TD)

Invention of basketball

What are the important facts regarding the invention of basketball?

What impact has basketball had on American history?

How could one argue that the invention of basketball is Progressive?

Group 4- Volleyball (LW, KP, JM)

Invention of Volleyball
What are the important facts regarding the invention of volleyball?

What changes have taken place in the sport?

What impact has volleyball had on American culture or history?

How could one argue that the invention of volleyball is Progressive?

Group 5- American football (Madruga, AM, FC)

How TR saved the game of football

Why was football going to be a banned sport?

What changes were instituted to make it safer?

How do these indeed make the game safer?

What changes have taken place since that are based on these amendments to the rules?

Group 6- Ford Motor Company (Abell, SB, JM)

How was the Ford Motor Company progressive?

How does the assembly line foster efficiency?

What changes have taken place regarding the Ford Motor company?

Group 7- Eugene Debs (P. Cook)

What was Eugene Debs originally known for and why is this Progressive?

What political party did Debs eventually run for and why is this seen as Progressive?

What Progressive views regarding war did Debs have?

What long term impact did Debs have?


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