Introducing 6 world leaders

Student Learning Objective- Students will read through the leaders’ descriptions, try to make predictions/evaluations and will discuss and come to a conclusion.

Important note- Students will come to a realization that it is impossible to predict what will happen, but it is also hard to know what leaders will do when put into office even if their credentials are well known and especially if not much is known about them.

American History 10- Chapter 24 “Introducing 6 world leaders”
Directions: Do not discuss with others until our class discussion.  Do not ruin anything.  OK?  Complete the following:
1)       Make a list of qualities you would look for in a leader
2)       Read about each of these leaders and list what you respect or do not respect about each leader
3)       What important things are not listed about these people?  Before you vote for someone, you want to know these things…
4)       Pick who you think the best leader would be.  Explain why!
5) After 1-4, the instructor will have students vote with a show of hands.
6) After 1-4 are discussed, the class will discuss who the people really were.
Leader 1:
·         5 foot 7 inches tall
·         Impressive political career before elected leader
·         Smoked Cigarettes, Pipes, Cigars every day
·         Drank Whisky, Scotch, Ales, Lagers, etc. usually every day
·         Once said that he would make a deal “with the devil” if he had to fight one of these other men
·         Slept with hundreds of women
·         Cheated on significant others
·         Was married several times and divorced
·         Had many illegitimate children (born of wedlock) that he did not know or provide for
·         Would make alliances with countries for protection, some of which he did not plan on helping
·         He would lie to his own people about attacks and plans to protect his interests
·         Manipulated his allies to follow his plans
·         Very famous and well liked by his people
·         Great public speaker
·         Amazing motivational speaker to get people pumped up towards war effort
·         Was seen as strong when the previous leader of his country was seen as a coward

Leader 2:
·         6 foot 2 inches tall
·         Impressive political career before elected leader
·         From a wealthy, powerful family
·         Smoked cigarettes often, sometimes cigars and pipes
·         Drank alcohol socially on occasion
·         Would use deception to rule (secrets)
·         Very famous and well liked by his people
·         Great public speaker
·         Had an affair with Lucy Mercer even after his wife found out
Leader 3:
·         5 foot 8 inches tall
·         Never smoked (anything)
·         Never drank alcohol
·         Never cheated on wife
·         Was only married once
·         Leader of growing political group that claims to have answers to the country’s on-going terrible economic problems
·         Had a definite plan to lead the country out of trouble, advertised it and stuck to the plan
·         Great Public Speaker
·         Well-liked by people
·         Rags to riches story (came out of an abusive, broken family)
·         Art student
·         War veteran

Leader 4:
·         5 foot 6 inches tall but demanded the respect of a larger man (intimidating)
·         Smoked Cigars and cigarettes semi-daily
·         Drank Vodka regularly
·         Never married
·         Not used to interactions with children
·         Worked as the party secretary for years before becoming leader as opposed to his competition who led the army in a revolution years before
·         Fearless leader, very good with discipline
·         Fearless in dealing with other countries, but realizes not to provoke unneeded wars or wars with countries that are too strong to handle
·         Pretty wide open about plans and expectations
·         Flawless political career, very active in a strong, growing political group that claims to have answers to the country’s on-going terrible economic problems
·         Supported by more than half his party that he joined 20 years ago
·         Worked with other leaders but was not described as easy-going or affable

Leader 5:
·         5 foot 7 inches tall
·         Despite not being tall, he demanded respect everywhere he went (not seen as a small man due to his weight and muscular structure)
·         Fiercely nationalist
·         Expansionist
·         Offered social welfare programs with incentives (for example more money for having more children)
·         Had control of the military, but “worked with” King Victor Emmanuel III

Leader 6
·         6 feet tall
·         Graduated from the “Army War College” in 1915 with Honors
·         Worked with the traditional emperor of his nation but acted as Prime Minister who was also in charge of the military forces
·         Was called “brilliant” by US newspapers
·         Nationalist, Militaristic and Imperialistic


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