
Showing posts from September, 2024

9/27 and 6.11

Period 6: 1865-1898, Topic 11- Reform in the Gilded Age Student Learning Objective - Explain how different reform movements responded to the rise of industrial capitalism in the Gilded Age. “The progress of society consists largely in separating . . . people into groups, in giving them different kinds of work to do, in developing different powers, and different functions. . . . This is the method of civilization. . . . “It is a great gain to humanity to have industry specialized if the unity of the spirit is not broken in the process. But this calamity, unhappily, is precisely what we are suffering. The forces that divide and differentiate have not been balanced by the forces that unite and integrate. . . . Social integration is the crying need of the hour. . . . How can all these competing tribes and clans, owners of capital, captains of industry, inventors, artisans, farmers, miners, distributors, exchangers, teachers, and all the rest, be made to understand that they are many member

9/26 and 6.10

Period 6: 1865-1898, Topic 10- Development of the Middle Class Student learning objective - Explain the causes of increased economic opportunity and its effect on society. “The purpose of this article is to present some of the best methods of performing this duty of administering surplus wealth for the good of the people. The first requisite for a really good use of wealth by the millionaire who has accepted the gospel [of wealth] . . . is to take care that the purpose for which he spends it shall not have a degrading, pauperizing tendency upon its recipients, and that his trust should be so administered as to stimulate the best and most aspiring poor of the community to further efforts for their own improvement. . . . “The result of my own study of the question ‘What is the best gift which can be given to a community?’ is that a free library occupies the first place, provided the community will accept and maintain it as a public institution, as much a part of the city property as its

9/25 and 6.9

Period 6: 1865-1898, Topic 9- Responses to immigration in the Gilded Age  Student learning objective - Explain the various responses to immigration in the period over time. Source: Based on data from the United States Bureau of the Census,  Historical Statistics of the United States  (1975). Discussion Question #1- What  was a difference between the immigration from 1865 to 1895 depicted in the graph and immigration in the 1840s and 1850s? Discussion Question #2- What was  a response to both immigration in the 1850s and the immigration depicted in the graph? Discussion Question #3- What  was a long-term development that contributed to the change in Chinese immigration depicted in the graph between 1875 and 1885 ? “The Italian laborer does more than his share of work and receives less than his share of earnings; for as a matter of fact, the laws enacted with regard to this matter oppress the laborer and assist rather than hamper the contractor. Even supposing that the contractor does no

9/24 and 6.8 continued

Student learning objective: Students will analyze The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus. Ignite : List what countries or regions you know of regarding your ancestry . All Stand Students with one or two should go first Students with rarer heritage or many different ones should wait The class tries to name 24 different backgrounds (countries or regions) Chunk : Ellis Island etc Angel Island Chew - Students read " The New Colossus " Review - What is the point of view regarding immigration in the poem? How does this poem relate to a course essential question?

Google Slides presentation/oral presentation rubric

History Slide show/oral presentation rubric 4 3 2 1 0 Content X3 Content is accurate and information is presented in a logical order Content is accurate but some information is not presented in a logical order, but is still generally easy to follow Content is accurate but information is not presented in a logical order, making it difficult to follow Content is questionable and information is not presented in a logical order, making it difficult to follow Content is inaccurate and there is no flow to presentation Slide Creation Use of tools adds to the persuasiveness of presentation.    Correct number of slides Use of tools appropriate for presentation.  Correct number of slides Use of tools is not appropriate or distracts from presentation. Correct number of slides Use of tools is not appropriate or distracts from presentation. Insufficient number of slides No use of tools is apparent or create too much distraction from presentation.

Last 3 sections of rubric used for narrative essay on Immigration Project

Social Studies Department Rubric for Writing to Texts DDMs (aligned with Common Core standards and PARCC “condensed scoring rubric for prose constructed response items”) Criteria 4 3 2 1 0 Understanding of Key Ideas and Details The writing demonstrates thorough, sophisticated understanding of the ideas relevant to prompt that are stated explicitly and implicitly in the text. The writing demonstrates understanding of the ideas in the text that are relevant to the prompt. The writing demonstrates basic or general understanding of the ideas in the text that are relevant to the prompt even though the writing may include some inaccuracy, misunderstanding, and/or omissions. The writing demonstrates limited understanding The writing demonstrates Development of claim with supporting evidence The writing provides convincing and thorough development of a response to the prompt by using clear and persuasive reasoning supported by a command of relevant and accu

Visual and Presentation Rubrics

History Visual Rubric Criteria 4 3 2 1 0 Points Relevance of Visuals Visuals add to understanding of the topic. Visuals add Some understanding of the topic. Visuals add minimal understanding of the topic. No relevant visuals. No Visuals Organization Presentation is organized, clear and concise. Presentation is not as organized, clear and concise. Presentation is unclear in some areas. Presentation lacks organization or clarity. Presentation is confusing and disorganized, Explanation of Topic Excellent explanation of topic using creativity and originality. Thorough explanation of topic using standard format. Limited explanation of topic using standard format. Minimal explanation of topic without discernable format. Does not explain topic and no discernable format.  Visual Appeal Immediately grabs viewer’s attention. Grabs viewer’s attention. Struggles to grab viewer’s attention. Does not grab viewer’s attention.