
Showing posts from January, 2025

1/30 and 8.6

8.6 Daily Video on AP Classroom (absent students should watch) Period 8: 1945-1980, Topic 6- Early Steps in the Civil Rights Movement (1940's and 1950's) Student Learning Objective - Explain how and why the Civil Rights movements developed and expanded from 1945-1960 Discussion Question #1- Explain thoroughly the result within the 1950's of Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas . Discussion Question #2- What time period and historical situation is similar to this resistance to comply with Federal law? Discussion Question #3- What is the only way to integrate/desegregate when State Governors, city mayors, police commissioners, etc. disobey federal law? Discussion Question #4- What caused Civil Rights to be in the focus of national attention in the 1940's, 1950's and on? Essential Question #8-  How has the rise of Mass Media influenced and transformed Culture ? Discussion Question #5- What role did the legislative branch play in Civil Rights? Strom Thurmond...

1/31 and 8.5

8.5 Daily Video on AP Classroom What are the traditional gender roles from the 1950's? What was the advantage of living in Levittown or a comparable suburb? Why was Levittown a good business model for the company and customers? What things mentioned in the video are still big American institutions? (continuity) Why reject the conformity of the 1950's? After the rare (but important) examples of rebels in the 1950's, what movements emerged in the 1960's and 1970's? (Change) Period 8: 1945-1980, Topic 5- American Culture after 1945 Student Learning Objective - Explain how mass culture has been challenged or maintained over time. “[The Organization men] are not the workers, nor are they the white-collar people in the usual, clerk sense of the word. These people only work for The Organization. . . . They are the ones of our middle class who have left home . . . to take the vows of organization life, and it is they who are the mind and soul of our great self-perpetuating ...

8.4 Continued (1/29)

Period 8: 1945-1980, Topic 4- US Economy after 1945 (continued) 8.4 Daily Video #2 on AP Classroom Student Learning Objective - Explain the causes and effects of economic growth and migration after WWII. “Question: When is a dollar more than a dollar? “Answer: When it’s used in Levittown, the most perfectly planned community in America! “Anybody can build a house and charge a lot of money for it. But it’s news—big news—when you can find a house . . . to buy for only $8,990. It’s a beauty with 3 and a half delightful rooms. “PLUS professionally landscaped grounds. . . . “PLUS a complete bath with a tub, toilet, shower, basin . . . “PLUS . . . all-steel kitchen cabinets, a stainless steel sink . . . “PLUS free use of Levittown’s championship swimming pools, “PLUS free use of all playgrounds, baseball fields, play areas. . . . “So if you don’t want to be disappointed, come out as soon as you can—today if possible.” Advertisement for Levitt and Sons housing development in Levittown, Pennsy...

1/28 and 8.4

8.4 Daily Video #1 on AP Classroom (Absent students should watch) Period 8: 1945-1980, Topic 4- US Economy after 1945 Student learning objective - Explain the causes of economic growth in the years after WWII. Growing private sector Industries that experienced growth in the 1950's -Aerospace -Automobile -Credit Cards -Television -Commercial airlines -Air conditioning New companies in the 1940's Discussion Question #1- Which companies founded in the 1940's play a large role in America?   Discussion Question #2- What role do they play? New 1950's companies Discussion Question #3- Which companies founded in the 1950's play a large role in America?   Discussion Question #4- What role do they play? Baby boom Discussion Question #5- What happened to the US birth rate after 1945? Discussion Question #6- Why? Amount of Baby Boomers in US population Discussion Question #7- What role do Baby Boomers play today? Discussion Question #8- Explain the birth rate trend after 1965. ...

1/27 and 8.3

Period 8: 1945-1980, Topic 3- The Red Scare (of the 1950's) Student Learning Objective - Students will explain the causes and effects of the Red Scare after WWII. 8.3 Daily Video on AP Classroom ! Video discussion question #1- Is Communism a threat? Video discussion question #2- What rights do Communists have? Video discussion question #3- Why was McCarthy trying to find Communists in a witch hunt manner (not solid evidence)? Video discussion question #4-What was McCarthy's downfall? Video discussion question #5- What is the truth regarding Alger Hiss? Video discussion question #6- What is the truth regarding Whittaker Chambers? Video discussion question #7- What is the truth regarding the Rosenbergs? Video discussion question #8- What was added to the pledge of allegiance during the Eisenhower presidency? Video discussion question #9- Why? Video discussion question #10- Evaluate the duck and cover drills during the Cold War? “Resolved, That the Senator from Wisconsin, Mr. [Jos...

1/24/25 and 8.2 continued

Period 8: 1945-1980, Topic 2- The Cold War from 1945-1980 Student learning objective - Students will be able to explain the continuities and changes in Cold War policies from 1945 to 1980. Harry Truman 60 Second Presidents How did Truman become President? What "chaos" did Truman inherit? What was Truman's background before Presidency? What "bold decisions" did Truman make? What Democratic party policies, from the textbook Chapter 36, did the video elude to? How is the Truman Presidency remembered and why? Dwight Eisenhower 60 Second Presidents What was IKE's background before Presidency? What surprises you about Ike? What is important about Ike? More about "how" the Cold War heated up U2 Incident Space Race Sputnik 1957 Gagarin Mercury 7 NASA Arms Race H-Bomb Cuban Revolution/Castro 1959 Bay of Pigs- 1961 Cuban Missile Crisis - 1962 Pretty Much the Cold War What truths does the student reveal about the Cold War? What does the student not get into e...

1/23/25 and 8.2

Period 8: 1945-1980, Topic 2- The Cold War from 1945-1980 Student learning objective - Students will be able to explain the continuities and changes in Cold War policies from 1945 to 1980. 8.2 Daily Video #1 on AP Classroom (absent students should watch) 8.2 Daily Video #2 on AP Classroom  (absent students should watch) "Iron Curtain Speech" “A shadow has fallen upon the scenes so lately lighted by the Allied victory. Nobody knows what Soviet Russia and its Communist international organization intends to do in the immediate future, or what are the limits, if any, to their expansive and proselytizing tendencies. . . . It is my duty . . . to place before you certain facts about the present position in Europe. “From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe. Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest, and Sofia, ...

1/22/25 and 8.1

8.1 Daily Video on AP Classroom  (absent students should watch) Period 8: 1945-1980, Topic 1- Contextualization 20th Century USA timeline Student learning objective - Students will explain the context for societal change from 1945 to 1980. Discussion Question #1- What happened before 1945-1980 that you think is important to the time period? Discussion Question #2- What happened between 1945 and 1980 that you know about?! Discussion Question #3- What happened after 1945-1980 that you think was caused by our time period? Discussion Question #4- What would you say continued to be true 1945-1980? Discussion Question #5- What was a change 1945-1980? Period 8 KWL: What do you k now about 1945-1980 in American history? What do you w ant to know? What did you l earn? About the Cold War! What was the "Cold War"? Who was involved? When was it? Where was it? Why did it happen? How did it happen? Upcoming schedule : American Pageant Chapter 36 Quiz- Wed 1/29 American Pageant Chapter 37 ...

7.14 and 7.15

7.14 Daily Video on AP Classroom Period 7: 1890-1945, Topic 14- Post-War Diplomacy (January 13) Student Learning Objective - Explain the consequences of US involvement in WWII. “The Communists are in China to stay. And China’s destiny is not [Chinese nationalist leader Jiang Jieshi’s] but theirs. In this unhappy dilemma, the United States should attempt to prevent the disaster of a civil war through adjustment of the new alignment of power in China by peaceful process. The desirable means to this end is to encourage the reform and revitalization of the Kuomintang [Nationalist Party of China] so that it may survive as a significant force in a coalition government [with the Chinese Communist Party]. If this fails, we must limit our involvement with the Kuomintang and must commence some cooperation with the Communists, the force destined to control China, in an effort to influence them further into an independent position friendly to the United States. We are working against time because,...

7.13 (continued)

Pacific Theater of WWII-  Page 811 Coral Sea Guadalcanal  Saipan Leyte Iwo Jima Okinawa August 6, 1945- Hiroshima            What is the argument for this ?           What is the argument against this? August 9, 1945- Nagasaki September 2, 1945- VJ Day Period 7: 1890-1945, Topic 13- WWII: Military (continued) Student Learning Objective - Evaluate the use of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Students decide- How should the US have forced Japan to surrender in WWII? 1- Invade the islands of Japan to force surrender (deadliest option) 2- Demonstrate the Atomic bomb's power on a remote island in the Pacific to force surrender  3- Drop the Atomic bomb on Japanese cities to force surrender


7.13 Daily Video #1 on AP Classroom 7.13 Daily Video #2 on AP Classroom Period 7: 1890-1945, Topic 13- WWII: Military Student Learning Objective - Explain the causes and effects of the victory of the United States and the Allied Powers over the Axis Powers in WWII. Historical Developments: -Atlantic Charter -Propaganda (page 802) -Pearl Harbor -Holocaust -General Eisenhower and African/European Theatre of WWII (American Pageant, Chapter 35, Page 815) -General MacArthur and Pacific Theatre of WWII (American Pageant, Chapter 35, Page 811) Key moments in WWII: June 4, 1942- Battle of Midway - Why was Midway such a turning point in the Pacific War in WWII? September 8, 1943- Italian surrender - Who is the real enemy? -What does FDR ask for? June 6, 1944- Operation Overlord      What is a D-Day?  What made this D-Day become known as the D-Day?      What was the Atlantic Wall?      What diversions were created to make an invasion possible and ...


Tuesday, January 7 7.12 Daily Video #1 on AP Classroom 7.12 Daily Video #2 on AP Classroom Period 7: 1890-1945, Topic 12- WWII: Mobilization Student Learning Objective - Explain how and why US participation in WWII transformed American society. Causes of WWII What were the causes of WWII? Pearl Harbor Attack What caused the Pearl Harbor attack? What was the goal of the Pearl Harbor attack? What was the effect of the Pearl Harbor attack? 1939 military sizes How does the US compare in military size in 1939 when WWII was declared? After isolationism and non-intervention failed, what does the US need to do? Election of 1940- FDR elected for a 3rd time! (Election of 1944- FDR Elected a 4th time) Wednesday, January 8 1. Students read the Gates source and prepare for discussion “Since the 1890s, despite the abolition of slavery and the three Reconstruction amendments to the Constitution, Jim Crow segregation pervaded every aspect of American society. The military was no exception. Following t...

Introducing 6 world leaders

Student Learning Objective- Students will read through the leaders’ descriptions, try to make predictions /evaluations and will discuss and come to a conclusion . Important note- Students will come to a realization that it is impossible to predict what will happen, but it is also hard to know what leaders will do when put into office even if their credentials are well known and especially if not much is known about them. American History 10- Chapter 24 “Introducing 6 world leaders” Directions: Do not discuss with others until our class discussion.  Do not ruin anything.  OK?  Complete the following: 1)         Make a list of qualities you would look for in a leader 2)         Read about each of these leaders and list what you respect or do not respect about each leader 3)         What important things are not listed about these people?  Before you vote for someone...