2/28 and 8.14 continued
Period 8: 1945-1980, Topic 14- Society in Transition (continued) Student learning objective - Explain the causes and effects of continuing policy debates about the role of the federal government over time. 1979- Camp David What happened? Why is this important? Explain whether this displays change or continuity in US Middle East policy 1945-1980? 1979- 3 Mile Island What happened? Why is this important? Compare the public perception of nuclear power in 1979 and today. Compare the public perception of nuclear weapons in 1979 and today. What are the top concerns about the environment in 2025? 1979- Iranian Hostage Crisis Why did Iranians take US Hostages? Why did the Iranian extremists let the hostages go? What is our takeaway from this? How does 1979 compare or contrast to 2025 as far as US-Middle East policy or relations?