
Showing posts from February, 2025

2/28 and 8.14 continued

Period 8: 1945-1980, Topic 14- Society in Transition (continued) Student learning objective - Explain the causes and effects of continuing policy debates about the role of the federal government over time. 1979-  Camp David What happened? Why is this important? Explain whether this displays change or continuity in US Middle East policy 1945-1980? 1979-  3 Mile Island What happened? Why is this important? Compare the public perception of nuclear power in 1979 and today. Compare the public perception of nuclear weapons in 1979 and today. What are the top concerns about the environment in 2025? 1979-  Iranian Hostage Crisis Why did Iranians take US Hostages? Why did the Iranian extremists let the hostages go? What is our takeaway from this? How does 1979 compare or contrast to 2025 as far as US-Middle East policy or relations?

2/27 and 8.14

Students watch  8.14 Daily Video on AP Classroom  (Students can watch on their own sometime) Period 8: 1945-1980, Topic 14- Society in Transition Student learning objective - Explain the causes and effects of continuing policy debates about the role of the federal government over time. Political Spectrum Left                                                                      Center                                                                 Right Question #1- Would you say you identify as conservative or liberal?  Explain. Question #2- What did liberals claim was wrong with the ...

2/26 and 8.13

8.13 Daily Video 1 on AP Classroom (students watch on their own) Period 8: 1945-1980, Topic 13- The environment and natural resources from 1968 to 1980 Student Learning Objective - Explain how and why policies related to the environment developed and changed from 1968 to 1980. Discussion Question #1- How would you  describe the trend in crude oil imports to the United States from 1950 to 1970 as depicted in the graph? Discussion Question #2- How would you    describe the trend in crude oil imports to the United States between 1970 and 1980 as depicted in the graph? Discussion Question #3-  What  best describes an interpretation of the overall trend in the graph of United States crude oil consumption between 1950 and 1980 ? Discussion Question #4- How did the National Energy Crisis affect US importation of crude oil?  See Jan 16, 1979 Discussion Question #5- What else happened in the time period related to the learning objective? See March 28, 1979 on the t...

2/25 and 8.12

8.12 Daily Video on AP Classroom (You can watch this but the rest is more important) Period 8: 1945-1980, Topic 12- Youth Culture of the 1960's Student Learning Objective - Explain how and why opposition to existing policies and values developed and changed over the course of the 20th Century. “I am forty-nine years old. It took me years of considerable anguish to get where I am. . . . I was nurtured in the Depression; I lost four years to war; I have had one coronary; I am a ‘liberal,’ a square and a professor of history. “As such, I am supposed to have ‘liaison’ with the young. But the fact is that I am fed up with hippies, Yippies, militants and nonsense. . . . “Every generation makes mistakes, always has and always will. We have made our share. But my generation has made America the most affluent country on earth; it has tackled, head-on, a racial problem which no nation on earth in the history of mankind had dared to do. It has publicly declared war on poverty and it has gone ...

2/24 and 8.11

8.11 Daily video #1 on AP Classroom ( watch on your own before summative assessments) 8.11 Daily Video #2 on AP Classroom (watch on your own before summative assessments) Period 8: 1945-1980, Topic 11- The Civil Rights Movement Expands Student Learning Objective - Explain how and why various groups responded to calls for the expansion of Civil Rights. “The systematic exclusion of persons of Mexican descent from service as jury commissioners, grand jurors, and petit jurors in the Texas county in which petitioner was indicted and tried for murder, although there were a substantial number of such persons in the county fully qualified to serve, deprived petitioner, a person of Mexican descent, of the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment, and his conviction in a state court is reversed.” United States Supreme Court, ruling in  Hernandez  v.  Texas , 1954 Discussion Question #1- What right did people of Mexican descent NOT have before the 1950's?...

2/21 and 8.10 (continued)

Period 8: 1945-1980, Topic 10- The African American Civil Rights Movement  (continued) Student Learning Objective - Explain how and why various groups responded to calls for the expansion of Civil Rights. Directions- Students break into groups, read excerpts and report to the class as a whole about their findings with guided questions. Group 1- Ella Baker- “ The Black Woman in the Civil Rights Struggle ” (Francis, Young, Merchant, Costa) In the third paragraph, what previous Civil Rights leader does she refer to? What is the purpose? What is the historical development? (How does feminism play a role in the 1960's and 1970's and how does it interact with the Civil Rights Movement? Group 2- John Lewis- " Speech at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom "- (Madruga, Maddalena, Whaley ) What is the historical situation? What is the point of view? (Who is "we"?) What is the purpose? What did John Lewis become after this?  Group 3- Malcolm X- " The Bal...

2/20 and 8.10 (continued)

Period 8: 1945-1980, Topic 10- The African American Civil Rights Movement  (continued) Student Learning Objective - Explain the causes and effects of the African American Civil Rights Movement 1. Did you turn in the Jim Crow Laws Reflection 2/20? Civil Rights timeline 2. What from the Civil Rights timeline are you familiar with? 3. What are the most important events in the Civil Rights movement? U2- Pride 4. How does this connect to the Civil Rights Movement? "I Have Dream" text 5. What is his point of view? 6. Who is his audience and why is that important? 7. What is the purpose of this speech? 8. What is the historical situation at the time? Letter from a Birmingham Jail 9. Who is the intended audience? 10. What is the purpose? HW- American Pageant Stormy Sixties (39 from an old edition)- Quiz Friday 2/21 American Pageant Stalemated Seventies (Chapter 39)- Quiz Friday 2/28

2/19 and Jim Crow Laws Reflection

  Student Learning Objective - Students will evaluate specific Jim Crow Laws Directions :  Read the specific Jim Crow laws and write a reflection evaluating at least one specific Jim Crow Law.  Suggestion- Talk about the ones that are the most unfair.  Suggestion- Are there ones that anger you for a specific reason?  Are there ones that make no sense because of some specific detail?  From the 1880s into the 1960s, a majority of American states enforced segregation through "Jim Crow" laws (so called after a black character in minstrel shows). From  Delaware  to  California , and from  North Dakota  to  Texas , many states (and cities, too) could impose legal punishments on people for consorting with members of another race. The most common types of laws forbade intermarriage and ordered business owners and public institutions to keep their black and white clientele separated. Here is a sampling of laws from various states: Nurse...

2/19 and 8.10

Period 8: 1945-1980, Topic 10- The African American Civil Rights Movement Student Learning Objective - Explain how and why various groups responded to calls for the expansion of Civil Rights. Southern Man by Neil Young      Lyrics What is the main idea?  Or what is Young's point of view? What are some supporting details? What is the historical situation at the time? What is the purpose of Young alluding to slavery? Sweet Home Alabama  What did you not notice before? What is their point of view? 8.10 Daily Video #1 on AP Classroom 8.10 Daily Video #2 on AP Classroom Ross Barnett on segregation What is his point of view? Who is his intended audience? What We Want Now! What We Believe. . . . 1. We want freedom. We want power to determine the destiny of our Black community. We believe that Black people will not be free until we are able to determine our destiny. 2. We want full employment for our people. We believe that the federal government is responsible and obli...

2/18 and 8.9

Period 8: 1945-1980, Topic 9- The Great Society Student Learning Objective - Explain the causes and effects of continuing policy debates about the role of the federal government over time. 60 Second Presidents LBJ Where is LBJ from? Why is that important? How did LBJ become President in 1963? How was LBJ's House and Senate background important? What laws mentioned do you know about? What undid LBJ's presidency?  Why? 8.9 Daily Video #1 on AP Classroom Discussion Question #1- How does the War on Poverty connect to today? Discussion Question #2- How does the Kerner Commission connect to today? 8.9 Daily Video #2 on AP Classroom (Watch on your own sometime to study for Short Answer Questions!) LBJ campaign ad for 1964 election Discussion Question #3- Why would LBJ use this as his campaign ad in 1964 ? Great Society Great Society Discussion Question #4-  What is the Great Society? Go to page 896 Discussion Question #5- How does the Immigration Act of 1965 compare to pr...

2/7 and 8.8 continued

Period 8: 1945-1980, Topic 8- Vietnam War (continued) Student Learning Objective-  Students will explain the effects of the Vietnam War. 1975-  Fall of Saigon  (film clip) 1. Who promised the removal of US troops in 1968? Vietnamization End of Vietnam War 1. In what year was the Paris Accords signed to end the Vietnam War? 2. What happened in 1975? 3. How is Vietnam different than Korean War? (WWI or WWII) Vietnam map - What change do you see? What does it mean to you? What are people doing in 1975? Why? Communist country map Discussion Question #1- Based on the map, what would you say was the outcome of the Vietnam War and a direct result? Discussion Question #2- What change has taken place since the Cold War though? “PURPOSE AND POLICY “SECTION 2. (a) It is the purpose of this joint resolution to fulfill the intent of the framers of the Constitution of the United States and insure that the collective judgment of both the Congress and the President will apply to the int...

2/6 and 8.8 continued

Period 8: 1945-1980, Topic 8- Vietnam War (continued) Student Learning Objective-  Students will explain the effects of the Vietnam War. For What it's Worth 1. What is the main idea of the song? 2. What are some lyrics used to back the main idea? 3. How do you evaluate the author's perspective? 1968- Tet Offensive (film clip) 1. What is the "turning point" of the Vietnam War? 2. Why is it called the Tet Offensive? 3. How many towns, cities, and US bases were attacked? 4. Ho Chi Minh Trail- Based on the maps shown, what directions did the Communist attacks come from? (Page 921) 5. What did the Communists do which causes much of an outcry against Communism? 6. Based on statistics who won the Tet Offensive? 7. Why did the Tet Offensive turn the public opinion away from supporting the war? Kent State Massacre   Lyrics here 1. Why were people protesting at Kent State University? 2. What happened at Kent State University? 3. Who is right and who is wrong?

2/5 and 8.8

CCR- Fortunate Son 1. What is the historical situation this song is about? 2. What is the purpose of this song? 3. Point of view- Does the USA need a draft to win wars? 4. What factors do you have to consider when conducting a military draft? 8.8 Daily Video #1 on AP Classroom -  8.8 Daily Video #2 on AP Classroom -  8.8 Daily Video #3 on AP Classroom -  Period 8: 1945-1980, Topic 8- Vietnam War Student Learning Objective-  Students will explain the causes of the Vietnam War. US Containment policy 1954- French defeat at Dien Bien Phu (Vietnam "becomes America's problem") 17th Parallel Ho Chi Minh Flexible Response (JFK) support of Diem Diem's assassination USS Maddox Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Selective Service Act Operation Rolling Thunder General William Westmoreland ARVN Vietminh Vietcong Anti-War Movements?

2/4 and 8.7 continued (JFK Presidency)

Period 8: 1945-1980, Topic 7- America as a World Power Student Learning Objective - Explain the various military and diplomatic responses to international developments over time. 60 Second Presidents- JFK What are the most important things about JFK? Lecture and discussion- KEEP UP and ask questions! New Frontier Open Skies Proposal? 1960- U2 Incident Peace Corps Alliance for Progress "The Best and the Brightest" Flexible Response 1961- Bay of Pigs Invasion -Why do this? -What went wrong? -What are the repercussions?  1962- Cuban Missile Crisis -How does the US know? -Why does the USSR do it? -Why does Castro accept? -What does JFK give as an ultimatum? -What military force does the USA exert? -What is the outcome? film clips- 1963-  JFK assassination What do we know happened? What is a theory and why? Upcoming schedule : American Pageant Chapter 37 Quiz- Wed 2/5 Period 8 topics 1-8 Exam (midterm period)- MON 2/10 10:00 AM-11:30 AM 2024-2025 Midterm schedule: Monday, Februa...

2/3 and 8.7

8.7 Daily Video on AP Classroom  shared for later studying Period 8: 1945-1980, Topic 7- America as a World Power Student Learning Objective - Explain the various military and diplomatic responses to international developments over time. “We face a hostile ideology—global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose, and insidious in method. . . . To meet it successfully, there is called for, not so much the emotional and transitory sacrifices of crisis, but rather . . . the burdens of a prolonged and complex struggle—with liberty the stake. . . . “Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. . . . We have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security more than the net income of all United States corporations. “This conjunction of ...